XCRI Knowledge Base

Setting standards for more effective courses information management

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Organisations using XCRI-CAP

  • Adam Smith College
  • Aim Higher in the East Midlands
  • APS Ltd
  • University of Bolton
  • Bradford College
  • University of Bradford
  • Brockenhurst College
  • Cambridge Regional College
  • University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
  • Castle College
  • City College Norwich
  • Connexions Derbyshire
  • Connexions Nottinghamshire
  • Derby College
  • Edge Hill University
  • University of Exeter
  • Gateway College
  • Greater Manchester Strategic Alliance (GMSA)
  • Hereford and Worcester Lifelong Learning Network
  • Higher York Lifelong Learning Network
  • Hotcourses Ltd
  • University of Huddersfield
  • University of Hull
  • InGenius Solutions Ltd
  • University of Kent at Canterbury
  • University of Lincoln
  • Lincoln College
  • Lincolnshire County Council (Lincolnshire's Teenage Services 14-19.info service)
  • University of Liverpool
  • Loughborough College
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Middlesex University
  • MOVE Lifelong Learning Network
  • New College Nottingham
  • Newcastle University
  • North Nottinghamshire College
  • Northampton College
  • University of Nottingham, Centre for International ePortfolio Development
  • The Open University
  • Oxford University Computing Services, working with Oxford University Careers Service and Department of Continuing Education
  • S-Cool Ltd
  • Staffordshire University
  • Thames Valley University
  • Unit4
  • West Cheshire College
  • West Nottinghamshire College
  • West Yorkshire Lifelong Learning Network (WYLLN)
  • Winona eSolutions Ltd
  • University of Worcester
  • Writtle College
  • Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth College
Last Updated on Monday, 03 October 2011 10:44  


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The seventh issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The sixth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

After consultation with the Course Data Programme community, the Data... Read more

The fifth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The fourth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

BS8581 (aka XCRI CAP) out for public comment From Scott Wilson... Read more

The third issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

A video about XCRI-CAP is now available.This video has been... Read more

Data Specification and Vocabularies Framework Elluminate Online Sessions As previously mentioned... Read more

The second issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

Text from event information: "The regulatory landscape in higher education is... Read more

JISC has issued the 1st edition Stage 2 Course Data Newsletter (13... Read more

XCRI Interactive