XCRI Knowledge Base

Setting standards for more effective courses information management

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Case Studies

Case Studies


Course Data Programme

Course Data Programme

Guide to Implementation

Stage 2 Implementation

Work Strands




  • 12 September 2011: XCRI Self-assessment Framework updated
  • BS8581 (aka XCRI CAP) out for public comment
  • Building Java classes from XCRI-CAP 1.2 schema
  • Course Data Newsletter 2 (14 October 2011)
  • Course Data Programme - new section on JISC website
  • Course Data Programme - Start up meeting
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (1 February 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (12 September 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (16 January 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (17 February 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (19 December 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (20 November 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (27 January 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (3 August 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (4 April 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (5 October 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (6 July 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (8 June 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (9 March 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 (9 May 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter - Stage 2 First Issue (13 January 2012)
  • Course Data Programme Newsletter 4 (11 November 2011)
  • Course Data Programme special edition (16 December 2011)
  • Course Data Programme Stage 1 Meetings
  • Course Data Programme Stage 2 Tenders
  • Data Definitions and Vocabulary Framework - Published
  • Data Specification and Vocabularies Elluminate
  • Events
  • JISC ITT: XCRI CAP Feed Validator and Aggregator IT
  • JISC Programme - Course Data
  • JISC-HESA-UCISA consultation event
  • KIS data published
  • Lend Me Your Ears Dear University Web Managers!
  • New home for original XCRI schema
  • Sample XCRI-CAP 1.2 on XCRI Knowledge Base
  • XCRI eXchange presentations and videos now available
  • XCRI SAF Data Export launched
  • XCRI-CAP - The Video
  • XCRI-CAP Demonstrators
  • XCRI-CAP SAF: Baseline report now available

Planning and Process

Business Case

Planning and Process




  • 14-19 Data Standard vocabulary recommendations for XCRI-CAP
  • 2 Page Guide to Implementing XCRI-CAP
  • Action Plan for the 14–19 Prospectus and Common Application Process
  • ASAP, Advanced Search Algorithm Protocol
  • eProspectus Standard
  • Feeds, XCRI feeds
  • Institutional Web Managers Workshop (IWMW) 2010 session
  • Introduction to XCRI generic Powerpoint presentation
  • ISB newsletter announcing XCRI-CAP eProspectus Standard
  • JISC Monitoring Unit, mapping of institutional identifiers
  • JISC website
  • JISC10, XCRI session at 2010 JISC Conference
  • Mapping 1.1 to 1.2
  • Metadata for Learning Opportunities, Advertising (MLO-AD) standard
  • Sample XCRI-CAP 1.1 instance file for the Open University
  • Sample XCRI-CAP 1.2 instance file for the Open University
  • Self-assessment Framework
  • StaffsXCRI, Staffordshire University mini-project report
  • Streamlining Learning and Skills Services
  • University of Nottingham XCRI flyer June 2010: Joining up regional systems with the UK course information data standard
  • XCRI base libraries
  • XCRI Validator
  • XCRI-CAP validator (Craig Hawker)
  • XCRI-CAP validator (David Sherlock)



  • 14-19 Area Prospectus XCRI Aggregation Pilot
  • 14-19 Area Prospectus XCRI and Cross-Border Project - Final Report
  • Bolton University, Module Database mini-project
  • BoXCRIp, University of Bolton mini-project report
  • Culture Campus Liverpool Portal (CCLiP) project
  • Cumulus Project
  • Edge Hill University - XCRI at Edge Hill report
  • EPICS 2
  • Greater Manchester Strategic Alliance - GMSA-XCRI
  • HudXCRI, University of Huddersfield mini-project report
  • MOVE-XCRI mini-project report
  • MUSKET, Middlesex University Skills and Education Planning Tool project
  • North East XCRI Test-bed (NEXT)
  • OCCAM, The Open University mini-project report
  • OXCRI, University of Oxford mini-project report
  • ROBOT-XCRI, University of Nottingham
  • University of Hull - CPD for Health and Social Care
  • UWXCRI-CAP, Test Implementation of XCRI-CAP at the University of Worcester
  • West Cheshire College XCRI mini-project report
  • WYXCRI CPD, West Yorkshire Lifelong Learning Network project
  • X-CERP, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC)
  • XCRI Implementation Models (XIM)
  • xcri@mmu

XCRI eXchange 2011

  • Assembly 2011
  • Assembly 2011 - E Midlands
  • Assembly 2011 - Edge Hill
  • Assembly 2011 - Generation and Validation
  • Assembly 2011 - Hotcourses
  • Assembly 2011 - Joined up thinking
  • Assembly 2011 - Key Messages
  • Assembly 2011 - MUSKET
  • Assembly 2011 - Origins
  • Assembly 2011 - Plenary, Feedback and questions
  • Assembly 2011 - The Seven Year Itch?
  • Assembly 2011 - XCRI-CAP: 1.1 to 1.2
  • Assembly 2011 - XCRI-CAP: The Future
  • Assembly 2011 - XXP

Technical Implementation

Technical Implementation

What is XCRI-CAP?


What is XCRI-CAP?

Sitemap Component by Run Digital


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The fifteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The fourteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The thirteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The twelfth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The eleventh issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The KIS data has now been launched.  Data from all... Read more

The tenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The ninth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

Congratulations to all those who have been successful in their... Read more

The eigth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The seventh issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The sixth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

XCRI Interactive