XCRI Knowledge Base

Setting standards for more effective courses information management

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The purpose of the validator is to aim to improve the validity and consistency of information contained within XCRI-CAP 1.2 feeds that are currently being produced, particularly those by institutions involved in the JISC "Course data: making the most of course information" call.

The validator has built upon a community-produced XCRI-CAP Online Validator, with the validation rules being driven by key individuals and groups involved in the XCRI community. Feeds that fail validation for any reason are provided with guidance on the reasons for the test being made and recommendations on altering the feed to resolve the issue.

The key deliverables of the project are:

  • The production of an open-source validation library and rulebase, and
  • A version of the validation tool available online to anyone who wants to use it

Development of the validator started in December 2011 and is now complete. The online implementation of the library will remain available (at a minimum) through until March 2013.

The live validator is available here.

To give feedback on the validator please contact .

Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 May 2012 13:16  


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XCRI Interactive