Title: Greater Manchester Strategic Alliance - GMSA-XCRI
Download resource: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/elearningcapital/gmsaxcrifinalreport.pdf
This mini-projects broad aim was to implement and test the latest specification XCRI-CAP v1.1 in a live setting with the intentions of enabling the standard to be incorporated into the business processes of the project partners and returning findings to the XCRI project and community.
Following project initiation each partner was visited to review their readiness for an XCRI implementation and to outline an action plan to enable them to produce XCRI taking into account the local organisational and technical environment. Each partner then generated course data in the XML specification that conformed to the XCRI standard. Using bespoke software those course descriptions have been collected and aggregated by a central organisation, the GMSA.
Tags: JISC project, GMSA