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The ordering of XCRI-CAP data items

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 18 July 2012 data specification 1 Comment

A question just arose from a project about the correct ordering of XCRI-CAP data items; it's required by the validator, but is not actually part of the spec. So I had a few thoughts about that.

Although ordering of data items is not part of the XCRI-CAP 1.2 specification, it *is* part of the XCRI-CAP 1.2 XML schema. I can therefore confirm that the order of the data elements in XCRI-CAP feeds is important!

The specification, as published on the wiki at xcri.org/wiki, is a formal description of XCRI-CAP data structures and data items. It can be implemented and coded in many different ways, for example through a W3C schema (as we have used in Craig's validator and published at https://xcri.co.uk/bindings/xcri_cap_1_2.xsd), through an RDF schema, through schematron or through JSON. Each of these implementation formats is generally referred to as a 'binding', and each can meet the requirements of the specification. However, as they use different implementation technologies, they are only directly inter-changeable if a developer produces something to convert one implementation format into another - in some cases there may be off-the-shelf ways of doing this, possibly.

The XCRI-CAP community has mostly used a W3C XML schema approach, and we've re-used some linked schemas (Dublin Core for example) to save re-designing common data elements, like 'title' or 'identifier'. We have also implemented the XCRI-CAP schema, so that it is compliant with the European Norm, Metadata for Learning Opportunities (MLO).

It's interesting to note that The Standard is the spec, not the schema - the schema is an implementation of The Standard. And some standards don't have bindings yet - for example, there isn't an 'official' MLO binding, although Scott and I have implemented one in order to use it with XCRI-CAP. This gives us namespace problems, because without a binding, we can't use a 'real' namespace. So, for example, re-using the JACS coding system in a transparent way is problematic - it has no official interoperable binding, so no namespace. Also some standards don't have 'official' bindings, even if they have namespaces - Dublin Core, for example, though I admit that we've tended to use the published DC schemas as if they are standards.

There are other ways of doing this - in fact, I have a different XCRI-CAP 1.2 implementation that just puts all the XCRI-CAP items in one schema, thereby avoiding any namespace difficulties. However, this is not the 'official' schema. If anyone wants that, just let me know.


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Give 'em good data (or they'll just use the bad stuff)

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 04 July 2012 data specification 0 Comments
I've been looking at the Course Data Programme interim reports recently, as part of my role in the XCRI Support Project. One question that has arisen ...
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LRMI, schema.org and XCRI-CAP

by alanepaull
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on Thursday, 14 June 2012 data specification 0 Comments
It's looking like there might be possibilities for linking the Learning Resources Metadata Initiative (LRMI) and XCRI-CAP, in some way. LRMI is part o...
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Data visualisation and advanced MUSKETry

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 28 March 2012 data specification 0 Comments
One of Jamie Mahoney's ON Course blog posts suggested this train of thought. It was started by a quote from Edward Tufte’s 'Visual Display of Quantita...
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Part time pre-Ellumination

by alanepaull
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on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 data specification 0 Comments
We have a second Elluminate session on XCRI-CAP data definitions and vocabularies this afternoon, so naturally I've been ruminating on the subject. So...
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Craig Hawker

Testing, testing and more testing!

by Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker is a software developer from Northampton who has been involved with
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on Wednesday, 07 March 2012 validation 0 Comments
This is the sixth in a series of blog posts aimed at documenting the development of an XCRI-CAP 1.2 validator. The entire series can be found by visi...
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Round 2 of data definitions continues

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Monday, 05 March 2012 data specification 0 Comments
I've been amending v1.6 of the Data Definitions document and v2.0 of the Vocabulary Framework for a few days now. Rather more has come up than expecte...
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Craig Hawker

A retrospective on feedback so far

by Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker is a software developer from Northampton who has been involved with
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on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 validation 0 Comments
This is the fifth in a series of blog posts aimed at documenting the development of an XCRI-CAP 1.2 validator. The entire series can be found by visi...
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BS 8581 and all that jazz

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Tuesday, 21 February 2012 data specification 0 Comments
BS 8581-1 is the catchy name for the emerging British standard that is / was XCRI-CAP. Members of BSI committee IST/43 (trips of the tongue, no?) have...
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Craig Hawker

Vocabularies and validation

by Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker is a software developer from Northampton who has been involved with
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on Monday, 20 February 2012 validation 0 Comments
This is the fourth in a series of blog posts aimed at documenting the development of an XCRI-CAP 1.2 validator. The entire series can be found by vis...
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Vocabulary Framework

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 data specification 0 Comments
I've now at last published the draft Vocabulary Framework Document for the Course Data Programme: you can get it at https://xcri.co.uk/KbLibrary/Co...
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Craig Hawker

Validation: a first public look

by Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker is a software developer from Northampton who has been involved with
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on Monday, 13 February 2012 validation 0 Comments
This is the fourth in a series of blog posts aimed at documenting the development of an XCRI-CAP 1.2 validator.  The entire series can be found by vis...
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Craig Hawker

State of the Nation

by Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker is a software developer from Northampton who has been involved with
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on Monday, 06 February 2012 validation 0 Comments
This is the third in a series of blog posts aimed at documenting the development of an XCRI-CAP 1.2 validator.  The entire series can be found by visi...
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Craig Hawker

Validation Library structure

by Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker is a software developer from Northampton who has been involved with
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on Monday, 30 January 2012 validation 0 Comments
This is the second in a series of blog posts aimed at documenting the development of an XCRI-CAP 1.2 validator.  The entire series can be found by vis...
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Straw man

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 25 January 2012 data specification 0 Comments
Well, the first public draft of the straw man data definitions document has been published (Version 1.6 of Data Definitions). It's rather longer than ...
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Craig Hawker

XCRI-CAP 1.2 validation - the first steps

by Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker
Craig Hawker is a software developer from Northampton who has been involved with
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on Monday, 23 January 2012 validation 0 Comments
This is the first in a series of blog posts aimed at documenting the development of an XCRI-CAP 1.2 validator.  My aim is to post a new blog post ever...
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Working group working

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 18 January 2012 data specification 0 Comments
The working group on data specification and vocabularies has started. Many thanks to the early birds who've already begun to comment on the initial 's...

Welcome to the data specification and vocabularies blog!

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 18 January 2012 data specification 0 Comments
This blog section is to focus on the work we're doing on the data definitions (or specifications, I'm not sure quite which one I prefer) and vocabular...
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Welcome to the XCRI-CAP 1.2 validation blog section

by admin
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on Wednesday, 18 January 2012 validation 0 Comments
Welcome to the XCRI-CAP 1.2 validation blog! The validator will be created by Craig Hawker of the Course Data Consortium. It will be based on the X...
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by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 General 0 Comments
For anyone who's missed it.... Bonnie Ferguson at the University of Kent has written a very useful blog entry about XCRI-CAP and KIS. Worth a read and...
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XCRI Knowledge Base - a face lift

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Monday, 12 September 2011 General 0 Comments
We've nearly finished giving the XCRI Knowledge Base a face lift. In the summer of this year... Starting again. Earlier this year during the months t...
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From Tony Hirst: Several Million Up for Grabs in JISC ‘Course Data’ Call. On the Other Hand…

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Monday, 05 September 2011 General 0 Comments
For another perspective on the Course Data programme, see Tony Hirst's blog post http://blog.ouseful.info/2011/09/05/several-million-up-for-grabs-in...
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XCRI Self-assessment Framework updating

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Friday, 26 August 2011 General 0 Comments
JISC has approved some work on upgrading the XCRI Self-assessment Framework and the XCRI Knowledge Base prior to the start of Stage 1 of the Course Da...

Consolidated Recommendations Inc.

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Thursday, 11 August 2011 General 0 Comments
Over the last few days Kirstie and I have been synthesizing the recommendations from the XCRI-CAP Self-assessment Framework Field Testing projects. We...
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by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Friday, 05 August 2011 General 0 Comments

From the CETIS blog 'Other Voices', Lou McGill considers how institutions connect and manage course information, and the role that XCRI can play.

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Data specifications - help please!

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Friday, 29 July 2011 General 0 Comments
Do you have any data specifications or other information about the data content that is included in your XCRI-CAP feeds or files? I’m trying to collect as many data specs as possible for the many organisations that are using XCRI-CAP, so that we can start to construct draft data specifications for 'communities of practice'. This will help to avoid inconsistencies between XCRI-CAP feeds and will make it much easier for aggregators to consume the data efficiently.
If you are able to help, please contact me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Alan Paull
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Return of the original XCRI

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 General 0 Comments
The original XCRI schema, release 1.0, which covered all types of courses information, had been hosted on the eFramework website for many years. This website is no longer available, so the schema has been moved the XCRI Knowledge Base. No background information to the schema is available yet. See https://xcri.co.uk/schemas/xcri_r1.0.xsd.

It's also worth noting here that it's being used successfully in the CUMULUS project.
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XCRI eXchange - making progress on the videos

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 13 July 2011 General 0 Comments
Having received the live captured Flash files from colleagues at the Video Production Group in the University of Nottingham, I'm now getting the mater...
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It's arrived!

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Monday, 11 July 2011 General 0 Comments
JISC Grant Funding 8/11: JISC ‘Course Data: Making the most of Course Information’ Capital Programme - Call for Letters of Commitment It's now arriv...
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XCRI eXchange National Showcase - an initial verdict from Paul Bailey

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 29 June 2011 General 0 Comments
See Paul Bailey's blog entry about Monday's event at Nottingham....
Scott Wilson

XCRI: End of the beginning

by Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson
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on Wednesday, 29 June 2011 General 0 Comments
There was a theme developing at the XCRI Assembly in June. An extended period of beta testing and specification development is now drawing to an end: ...
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#coursedata: preparing for increased demand

by rob-work
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on Friday, 24 June 2011 General 0 Comments
We have grown used to the instant availability of information, and when a swift web search doesn't return the results we need or expect the assumpti...

GetTheData: Data / API FAQs for XCRI-CAP?

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Tuesday, 21 June 2011 General 0 Comments
I always keep an eye on Tony Hirst's OUseful.Info blog, because, well, it's very useful. If you don't know it, try it out. Tony's latest post was cal...
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MUSKET Benefits Realisation Workshop - 13 June 2011

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 15 June 2011 General 0 Comments
On Monday last we had the final MUSKET Benefits Realisation Workshop at Middlesex University's Hendon Campus. We had presentations from colleagues fro...
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Field testing the XCRI Self-assessment Framework and other resources: Start up meeting

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Thursday, 09 June 2011 General 1 Comment
On Tuesday 7 June we had a virtual meeting to start the 6 projects that are field testing the XCRI Self-assessment Framework and other resources that ...

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Welcome to All About XCRI!

by alanepaull
I am an information management consultant, running my own 'husband and wife' com
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on Wednesday, 08 June 2011 General 0 Comments
Welcome to our new eXchanging Course Related Information blog - All About XCRI. eXchanging Course Related Information has been happening for deca...
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The eleventh issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The KIS data has now been launched.  Data from all... Read more

The tenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The ninth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

Congratulations to all those who have been successful in their... Read more

The eigth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The seventh issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The sixth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

After consultation with the Course Data Programme community, the Data... Read more

The fifth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The fourth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

BS8581 (aka XCRI CAP) out for public comment From Scott Wilson... Read more

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