XCRI Knowledge Base

Setting standards for more effective courses information management

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How long does it take to implement an XCRI Export?

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The length of time for an XCRI-CAP implementation depends on the organisation's objectives and internal systems.

Some institutions have implemented XCRI-CAP in two phases; firstly working with what they already have easily available and developing an export facility, and secondly implementing changes to internal processes and software, so that higher quality and more comprehensive information can be output.  In many cases the first stage  highlights where improvements can be made, and XCRI-CAP implementation can act as a positive catalyst for improved and more efficient systems.

If the location of information is already known, particularly if it is centralised in a database, and its quality is high, then writing code to create an XCRI feed can take as little as a day for an experienced developer.

The Knowledge Base contains many case studies with information about the experiences of other organisations.  In addition the XCRI Implementation Models (XIM) project placed this development within the context of organisational management of courses information, giving several successful models for implementation on the basis of early adopter experiences.


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