XCRI Knowledge Base

Setting standards for more effective courses information management

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How can I convince others in my organisation?

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An XCRI implementation often depends on bringing together the relevant people in your organisation.  Relevant staff are likely to include those responsible for the production of the information (often in Marketing or Registry departments), decision-makers at a senior level who can allocate resources and technical staff responsible for websites and information systems.

There are case studies, presentations and materials available in the Knowledge Base that you can download to help you influence these personnel.  There is also a video which explains XCRI-CAP and it's benefits.




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The sixteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The sixteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The fifteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The fourteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The thirteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The twelfth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The eleventh issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The KIS data has now been launched.  Data from all... Read more

The tenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The ninth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

Congratulations to all those who have been successful in their... Read more

The eigth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

XCRI Interactive