XCRI Knowledge Base

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How should I implement XCRI: Web Service or Static file?

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Ultimately, how you implement XCRI-CAP may depend on your organisation's internal systems architecture. Your Information Systems department should be consulted on this decision and will advise you on their preferred method.

Static file

A static file approach requires your systems and processes to make and publish a file containing your course catalog.   This means that the data is only as up-to-date as your file maintenance permits.  Updating of the file is best done on a regular basis, dependent on how frequently the information changes. The creation and publication of the file can be automated.  A static file can be made available via a web service or directly published on a web page for access by a browser or for download by a software application.

Dynamic Web Service

Alternatively you could set up your system to output the data via a web service fed from a database, so that your course catalog is built afresh whenever the service is used.  This means that when users or systems connect to your web service, they will receive a copy of the live or current version of your course data.  The web service enables you to exert some control over access to the data, if required, for example by including security, tracking or error checking.



Tags for this item

exporting , implementation , technical


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