I always keep an eye on Tony Hirst's OUseful.Info blog, because, well, it's very useful. If you don't know it, try it out.

Tony's latest post was called "Using GetTheData to Organise Your Data/API FAQs?", and it occurred to me immediately that this might be a useful resource for XCRI-CAP feeds and their development. Part of my reply to Tony was:
I’d like to investigate whether this would be a way of supporting XCRI-CAP development. Although we have our wiki and the knowledge base, I wonder if it would be possible to look at using GetTheData for emerging XCRI-CAP API stuff? I’m conscious that at the moment the potential or actual XCRI developer community is isolated and each developer is reliant on his or her own resources and links.
For example, could we filter out questions re HE courses information from GetTheData and set up somewhere on the knowledge base to stick them? Could we perhaps syndicate data questions from the XCRI Forum into GetTheData and get the answers out and back on the Forum?

I'd be interested in the views of any technical colleagues about this. And I'll have to follow up the several other links that Tony's mentioned in his post too - we just need more people committed to linking things up!