XCRI Knowledge Base

Setting standards for more effective courses information management

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All About XCRI

The XCRI community blog: all about eXchanging Course Related Information (XCRI) and its Course Advertising Profile (XCRI-CAP).

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The sixteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The sixteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The fifteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The fourteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The thirteenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The twelfth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The eleventh issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The KIS data has now been launched.  Data from all... Read more

The tenth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

The ninth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

Congratulations to all those who have been successful in their... Read more

The eigth issue of the Course Data Programme Stage 2... Read more

XCRI Interactive